Kentucky State Penitentiary Great Banquet #1
266 Water
Eddyville, Kentucky 42038
October 5 & 6, 2014
Date of First Meeting: September 2, 2014
Lay Director
(Establishing Priorities) Jason Eastwood
Prayer Captain
Phillip McCoy
Matt Pratt
Anthony Brooks
(Dying Moments) Robert White
(The Way the Truth & the Life) JW Durst
(Discovering Priorities) Mike Eubanks
(God’s Gift of Grace and Our Response) Alan Menser
(The Christian Community) Marvin Hightower
(Living a Life of Grace) Scott Heltsley
Table Leaders
Matt Bell
Greg Kelley
Ben Doniel
Eric Brown
Tito Perez
Lon Lorton
Dave Hendrix
Terry Cates
Tem Major
Jake Hildebrant
Steve Gilliam
Mike Ladd
David Parker
Barry McGaw
John Taylor
Jon Dunn