Description: bread&wineGreat Banquet

Madisonville Great Banquet                                                                   


Spring 2012                                            “To know Jesus as Savior and Lord and make Him known”


Description: spirit%20doveSpring Great Banquet Dates:


February 23-26 Men’s Hopkins County Jail #15- Eric Taylor, Lay Director                                 

March 15-18 Women’s Muhlenberg County Jail #3- Teresa Lee, Lay Director

March 29-April 1 Men’s Great Banquet #151- Greg Crowley, Lay Director

April 19-22 Women’s Great Banquet #152- Wendy Mitchell, Lay Director

April 26-29 Men’s Green River CC #7- Brian Lear, Lay Director

May 3-6 Women’s Great Banquet #153- Carla Kelley, Lay Director

May 11-12 Women’s Western KY CC #8- Kim Menser, Lay Director

NEXT AGAPE PARTY – March 19, 2012 at 7:00 pm

(Join us for the worship service at First Presbyterian Church and then go    

 help to prepare “agape” in the gym for the Great Banquet weekends)


NEXT POTLUCK DINNER – March 26, 2012 at 6:00 pm

(The community is invited to share in the meal and team dedications for the upcoming Great Banquet weekend at First Presbyterian Church)


Sponsors: Have you been thinking about sponsoring someone on

the Great Banquet? Now is the time to ask and have applications

completed and turned in. If you have any questions contact Dawn

at First Presbyterian Church 821-6426


Check the Madisonville Great Banquet website ( to see the list of guests who have confirmed. The list is updated weekly to show the latest confirmations.


Commercial grade kitchen items are needed for kitchen use during the Banquet weekends. If you or your church would like to make a monetary donation towards the purchase of these items please call Dawn at 821-6426.




Description: Crown%20of%20Thorns




Greetings Madisonville Great Banquet Community!


It is Banquet season again and the teams have already started to meet in preparation for the Men’s and Women’s Weekends.  These meetings can be a time of tremendous personal growth for team members both individually and as a team unit.  I have always been amazed that by the end of the nine-week team meetings how the personality and flavor of the team resembles that of its team lay director.  The team members not only become prepared to serve the guests on the weekends but their own faith as God’s servants is strengthened.  So keep Great Banquet Men’s #151, and Women’s #152 and #153 spring teams in your prayers and their Lay Directors, as they seek God’s guidance in molding the teams.


You may not be on a team this spring but there are many ways to serve on these Weekends.  You can help set up and take down those luxurious bed accommodations, sign up to assist the agape team members, participate in the 72 hour prayer by signing the prayer chart, hold a candle for the guests at Candlelight, cleanup the church on Sunday afternoon, make agape for the guests, serve a meal, make snacks and salads, and/or write letters to guests. Wow – the list goes on.  So please participate and help make these Weekends a special time for the guests.  Let Jesus’ love flow through you to these guests either by your presence or through your acts of agape.  Not only will the guests be blessed but I am sure you will be too.


It is also an exciting season for the Prison/Jail banquets in this community.  Barry McGaw has worked diligently to expand this ministry to 7 banquets per year at various facilities which include Hopkins County Jail, Muhlenberg County Jail, Green River Correctional Complex in Central City, Western KY Correctional Complex in Fredonia, and Vienna Correctional Center in Vienna, Illinois.  Barry has also arranged for local team members to participate in starting prison banquets in other states and communities.  We thank you, Barry, for all of your hard work.


I want to thank Pastor Lon Lorton, our Community Spiritual Director, for his time and dedication to the Great Banquet.  His compassion and love for each team member and guest always shines through each Weekend.  Also, many thanks to the Great Banquet Board who is always excited about serving and being good stewards in all the functions of the Great Banquet.  I also appreciate the First Presbyterian Church Session and congregation for its constant support and gracious hospitality towards the Madisonville Great Banquet Community.  Additionally, I would like to thank the First United Methodist Church for its kindness and generosity in allowing the Madisonville Great Banquet to hold its Candlelight service there each Weekend.  Thank you to all the churches in our area who support the Madisonville Great Banquet each year either financially or by its members serving as Christ’s hands and feet on the Weekends.


Lastly, I am very humbled and consider it a privilege to serve the Madisonville Great Banquet Community in this position.  I want to thank our previous Community Lay Director, Dale Davis, whom I shadowed last year, for the training and guidance that he provided during 2011, and continues to provide to this day.   Please continue to pray for this Movement as we begin our 2012 Weekends. God bless you all!


De Colores!


Terry Cates

Community Lay Director

Madisonville Great Banquet













Prayer is a key part of the success of each Banquet. Please keep the team and guests in your prayers during each of the Great Banquet weekends. Attend the events throughout each weekend and signup on the 72 hour prayer charts.



If you can help with bed setup and takedown please contact Greg Crowley 884-3365.

Make this a sacrificial offering for guests and team!  Bed setup is at 6:00 pm on Wednesday prior to each weekend.  Bed takedown is at 7:00 am on Sunday morning of each weekend.



Clean-up will take place on Sunday afternoons of each weekend beginning at 2:00 pm on Sunday; with many hands this should go very quickly. Call Adam and Faith Whitmer at 836-1816



We are okay for the time being, but if you have a CDL license and desire to drive the bus for one of the weekends give Dawn a call at the First Presbyterian Church 821-6420 or 821-6426.



If you can bring a snack or help serve a meal at the Banquet, please contact Betty Hendrix (snacks) 824-9749 or Sherry Harvey (servers) 841-8385. Please remember your amazing weekend. Providing snacks and helping to serve are important areas of help.  Snacks on Friday are especially needed.




Remember what an important impact the banners had on you when you attended?

Make BANNERS for the upcoming Great Banquets. Banners made for previous weekends here in Madisonville have been mailed to other communities, so make new ones! Reunion groups, if you are looking for something special to do make a banner as a group for the upcoming weekends. Agape parties are held before each weekend. Call Teresa Lee 977-2148 if you are interested in helping to make agape for the upcoming Banquets.




One of the many blessings at the Great Banquet is the opportunity to sow God’s word into the lives of our guests by offering free Christian literature and media. If you have Bibles, Christian books, CDs, DVDs, or devotions you would like to donate please take them to First Presbyterian Church or call Dave Hendrix 821-1709.





Call Sherry Harvey 841-8385 to sign up to serve a meal. Leave your name and number and she’ll get back to you. It is very important that you are prepared to spend 2 to 2 ½ hours serving, cleaning up, and setting up for the next meal.


Sponsor’s hour for each Great Banquet is held on Thursday before each Banquet (except the jail/prison weekends), at 7:30 pm. Everyone is encouraged to stay through the entire Sponsor’s Hour to lend strength and prayers to God’s people.


Please be sure to sign-up to pray for the guests and team members during the Banquets. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16


Your presence at Candlelight adds to the Body of Christ and the impact the Lord has on His people as He uses our worship, prayers and sacrifices for the guests and team. Candlelight will be held at the First United Methodist Church at 8:30 pm on the Saturday during each Banquet.


Closings will be held at the First Presbyterian Church at 5:00 PM on the Sunday of each Banquet.


Snacks and salads are needed for both weekends.  Call Betty Hendrix 

824-9749 to sign up to bring them. If she is not home, please leave a message.


Individual and group agape letters are always needed. Please mark family letters with an “F” on the envelope. Be sure your guest’s name appears on the outside of the envelope. (PLEASE NOTE: Gifts are better given before or after the Great Banquet. Please do not bring gifts to the Great Banquet for your guest.) Call Cindy Bell 584-3097 for more information about Great Banquet agape.



An “Agape” chart is available for you to sign-up and assist the agape team members on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of each weekend. Go to the Great Banquet website for the name of the agape person to contact for each weekend.


Help make agape for the weekends! Contact Teresa Lee 977-2148 for the time and date of our next Agape Party at the First Presbyterian Church.



2012 Great Banquet Board Members

Diana Anderson                  Clergy

Cindy Bell                          Agape

Sherri Buchanan                 Kitchen

Terry Cates                       Community Lay Director

Robert Clemmons                Clergy

Dennis Coombs                   Community Spiritual Director Shadow/Fourth Day Meetings

Greg Crowley                     Bed Set-up

Terri Dozer

Billie Galyen                       Secretary/Finance

David Hendrix                     Book Table

Brian Higgs                        Music

Michele Hill                        Newsletter and Email Database

Lon Lorton                        Community Spiritual Director

Barry McGaw                     Director of Jail and Prison Ministries

Patsy Sutton                     Agape Letters to the Communities


Eric Anderson (Greenville)    Sponsors’ Hour

Andy Bell                          Bus

Matt Bell                           Website

Sherry Harvey          Servers

Betty Hendrix                     Snacks

Teresa Lee                        Agape Party

Penny Pleasant                  Registration

Faith and Adam Whitmer      Clean-up/Facility Restoration


Talks and Times




Pray in:      Talk time:  Title of Talk


9:00 a.m.       9:15 a.m.        Discovering Priorities

11:00 a.m.     11:15 a.m.      God’s Gift of Grace

1:30 p.m.       1:45 p.m.        Ministry of All Believers

2:45 p.m.       3:00 p.m.       Our Response to Grace

6:15 p.m.        6:30 p.m.       Way of Relationship




Pray in:       Talk time:  Title of Talk


8:00 a.m.        8:15 a.m.       Truth Through Study

9:45 a.m.        10:00 a.m.    Sacramental Grace

2:45 p.m.        3:00 p.m.      Life of Christian Action

4:15 p.m.        4:30 p.m.      Obstacles of Grace

7:15 p.m.         7:30 p.m.       Disciples



Pray in:      Talk time:  Title of Talk


8:35 a.m.        8:50 p.m.       Life of Grace

9:45 a.m.        10:00 a.m.     Changing our Environment

10:45 a.m.     11:00 a.m.     Body of Christ

12:45 p.m.     1:00 p.m.       Staying Power

1:45 p.m.        2:00 p.m.       Establishing Priorities






Meal Times for Serving

*If you signed up to serve a meal and cannot make it please call Sherry Harvey 841-8385 as soon as possible.


WHEN SERVING ANY OF THE MEALS: Plan to arrive on time, help serve, clean up and setup for next meal. When you arrive wash your hands, grab an apron, ask the kitchen crew where you can be of help, and let the joy of the Lord shine in and on you as you become the hands and feet of Christ!


Be at the church by:                              


Friday morning breakfast-              7:00 a.m.



Friday lunch-                                   12:00 p.m.



Friday supper-                                  5:00 p.m.



Saturday morning-                          7:00 a.m.



Saturday lunch-                              12:00 p.m.



Saturday supper-                             5:00 p.m.



Sunday morning-                              7:30 a.m.



Sunday lunch-                                 11:30 a.m.






Agape Ideas


Quick, easy, and inexpensive agape ideas . . . from The Upper Room Discussion Group . . .


Rainbow mechanical pencils:

Write this down: Jesus Loves You!" or "Jesus has signed your heart with his blood."

Mending kits:

"God fixes everything."

Jigsaw Pieces:

Jigsaw puzzle pieces either hot glued to a pin back or a card (You can put a piece of magnet strip on the back of the card for a fridge magnet.): "God put it all together for you." Or "Puzzled? Talk to God." Or "Don't let Jesus be your missing piece!" or "If life is a puzzle, turn to the Lord." Or "Now I know in part, then I shall know fully. 1 Corinthians 13:12."


Little notebooks or note pads. "Write this down: Jesus Loves You!"

He has written your name in the Lambs book of life. Rev 13:8

Small calendars:

(wallet size are good): "I am with you always. Jesus"

Seed packages:

"Grow in Christ."

Life Savers:

"Jesus is the real life saver!" John 3:16

Small rulers:

"Measure your life in Christ." Or "Jesus Rules!"

Emory Board:

Emory board or small piece of sand paper on a card: "Jesus can smooth away all our rough edges!"


Nail on a card. "Need an eternal fix? Try John 3:16."

Butterfly anything:

"God changes things." Eph 4:23

Diaper pin:

"God can change even the worst of things."

Maps or compasses:

"Jesus is the way" or "Lost? Talk to God" or "Need directions? Talk to the Father." Or "Lost? Follow the Son." Rom 10:10

Magnifying glass:

"See everything clearly with Christ" or "Let your faith be magnified." Or "If they dusted your Bible for fingerprints, would they find any fresh ones? Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105."

Small bars of soap:

"God can make all things clean."

Emergency rain ponchos:

"When life gives you rain, God gives you rainbows!"


"God will be there though all your ups and downs."


Write "Jesus is the rock" and draw a cross on the rock.

Duct tape and nail:

Put a small piece of duct tape on a card. Then put a nail through the card as if you were pinning something to it. On card write: "Men fix everything with duct tape. God used his son."


Penny hot glued to a card. "Jesus just makes 'cents'"


Runts candies in a small bag. "The fruits of the spirit are."

Paper clip chain:

Paper clip chain made of brightly colored paper clips or several brightly colored paper clips hanging on an earring hoop: "Genesis 9:13"


Foam heart glued to a card: "Give your heart to Jesus." Or any heart verse.

Candy conversation hearts:

"These go in your tummy. Put Jesus in your heart."


Teddy bear stickers or very small (1/2 inch) teddy bears or gummy bears. "God's love bears all."


"Jesus erased all your sins."

Key chain:

"Let Jesus be the key to your life" or "Put God in the driver's seat."

Shoe horns:

"For a perfect fit every time, try Jesus."


"For all those times when noise is not so joyful."

Atomic fireballs:

"Get fired up for Christ!"

Smiley face anything:

"Smile. God loves you."


Small plastic or balsa wood planes or miniature kites: "Fly high with Christ."

Band aid on card:

"Christ heals all."


Small jars or pots made from Play Dough and hardened. "Put yourself in the potter's hands."



Golf tees taped to a card:

"Jesus will always fit your needs to a tee!"

Airhead candy:

"Don't be an airhead! Listen to Jesus!"

Kool Aid packages:

"Let Jesus be the cool aid in your life."

Hershey kiss(es):

Hershey kiss(es) on a card: "A good night kiss for you. Sleep in peace as God watches over you" or "An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips." Proverbs 24:26 or with 2 kisses "Angel kisses."


A mint taped to a card: "Jesus is 'mint' for you."


Small piece of sponge attached to a card: "Soak up God's love."

Chewy Candy:

Gum, caramel, starburst candy, tootsie roll or other chewy candy: "Choose Jesus" or "Choose this day whom you will serve." Joshua 2:4-15

Now and Later candy:

"Jesus Now and Later."


Q-tip taped to a card: "Open our ears, Lord. We want to hear Jesus."

Small plastic frogs:

"FROG: Fully relying on God."

Gold Fish crackers:

"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Small back scratchers:

"God always has a hand for you!"

Skittles candies:

"Taste the rainbow of God's love."

Equal package:

"Nothing equals Jesus!"

Picture of a cell phone:

Photocopy picture on paper and color with bright colors: "Call on God. Unlimited free anytime access."

Small packages of tissues:

"God will take your tears and make an ocean."

Gold wrapped chocolate coins:

"His love is more precious than gold."

Corks or fishing bobbers:

God's love is unsinkable.

Small match box-size cars:

"Put God in the driver's seat."


Bit of Honey or fast food size honey package: Psalm 19:10

Cream Savers:

You are the cream of the crop. Let Jesus be your Life Savior.

Small pocket size mirrors:

"Let Christ be reflected in you."

Letter openers:

"God opens up a whole new world of possibilities."

Toy watches:

"God has all the time in the world for you." Or "Ecclesiastes 3:1"


Small plastic or feather birds (floral section of craft store): "Matthew 10:31"

Toy paratroopers (party favors):

"Let Jesus be your parachute."

Individually wrapped hand wipes:

"Jesus makes all things clean."

Rubber Ducks:

"Life with Christ is just ducky!"

Mini-frisbees or spinning tops:

"I may not always know where I'm going, but the one I'm following does. 'The Lord will guide you always.' Isaiah 58:11"


"Whistle while you work Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23."

Milky Way candy bars:

"He had a universe to choose from, but God chose you."

Baseball trinkets:

"No outs. All safe with Christ" or "Hit a home run with Christ."

Mustard seed:

Mustard seed glued to a piece of cardstock: "A little faith goes a long way. Matthew 17:20.




Tape or glue a "fun-size" Snickers bar to a note card and put the words, "Hungry for God, Why Wait..."


Place your thumb onto an inkpad and place on a note card. Draw each thumbprint as a person - be creative! Write "Thumbody Loves You!"

Stick with God

Tape or hot glue a small stick to a note card and write "Stick With God"

Dryer Sheets

Staple a dryer sheet to a note card and write "Cling To Jesus!"


On a travel-size package of Kleenex, write Rev. 21:4 - "God shall wipe every tear from their eyes."


Attach this message to a noisemaker: Psalm 100:1 - "Make a joyful noise..."

Bag of nuts

To a bag of nuts, write: "Jesus is nuts about you!"


Write: "DO UNO JESUS?"


To a piece of sponge, attach the message: "You made the journey, soak it all in!"

Belly Button Cleaner

To a piece of matchstick, glue a piece of pipe cleaner, rounded. Attach the message: "Just when you think you had everything, a belly button cleaner!" and the verse 2 Cor. 7:1 - "Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God."

Pixie Sticks

Attach a Pixie Stick (sugar stick) to a note card and write: "God 'picks' you as His beloved."

Candy Cane

Attach a candy cane to a note card and write "By the stripes, we are healed."

Birthday Candles

Attach a birthday candle to a note card and write "Let your light shine..." - Matthew 5:11

Play Doh

To a small Play Doh container, write Isaiah 64:8 - "We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand."

Prayer Rock

Wrap a small rock in cloth and tie shut. Attach a sheet that says "Jesus 'spoke to them in parable to show that they should keep on praying and never lose heart.'" - Luke 18:1

Stir it up

Attach a plastic spoon to the message "...let us consider how to stir up one another to love and to good work." Hebrews 10:24


Attach a Band-Aid to a note cards that says "God Heals all Wounds."


Attach a pencil to a note card that reads "Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart." Proverbs 7:3 or "You're all 'write' with God!"

Gummy Worms

Throw some gummy worms into a bag and attach the message "Come follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men." or "Let Jesus work His way into your heart."


Attach a metal washer to a note card and write "Jesus will wash away your sins."

Paper Umbrella

Attach a paper umbrella to a note card and write "His love shelters us from the storm."

Rubber Band

To a rubber band, attach the message "Band together for Christ's Sake."

Hawaiian Lei

Attach the message "Jesus Leid down His life for you" to a Lei.

Missing Piece

Attach a puzzle piece to a note card with the message "Jesus is the missing piece."

Paint Brush

Attach the message "Let Jesus be the artist of your soak" to a small paint brush.


To a notepad, attach a marble and the message"Jesus is Marble-ous!"


Attach a packet of sugar to a note card with the message "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus!"


Attach a sour candy or Warhead to a note card with the message "Don't let your love for the Lord grow sour."




Attach small gift card to compass that says: "God's direction is always true!"

Sunflower Seeds

Attach card to bag of seeds that says: "You are a seed sewn by God. Grow and bloom where you are planted"

Door Hangers

Print on computer "Resting in the Lord" Do Not Disturb and Walk# our group name

Almond Joy

Put on label or attach small gift tag that says: "The JOY of the Lord is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10